What does the Church need?
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Last week we had our Spring Planning/ Evaluation meetings and during the discussion we talked about our original purpose. Back in 1927, when the college began, its main purpose was to be a support to the Church or church (Global or local - I’m not sure if it was defined but that’s beside the point).
I think we all agreed that we need to keep that purpose in mind today.
With that agreed upon we asked the next question, “What do we do/can we do/should we do for the church?”
Before we got too far in answering this question we realized we needed to answer one other question first: “What does the church need?”
To put your mind at ease - I think we all agreed that we, as a college, should not be so arrogant as to think we should have all the answers to this question. Nor should we necessarily be the ones to give direction to the church in this regard. Rather, it was mentioned that we should probably open up some sort of dialogue with churches to determine what it is that they could use from us. I think this question is a good one.
I have my own ideas in this regard but I am much more curious to hear what other people think.
I know there are whole books written on this sort of question but I'm kinda curious about what the average person thinks. So let me ask this question to you and
please comment (even if your not an
average person). I'll even accept some anonymous comments (
if I have to).
“What do you think the church (local) needs?”
“What do you think the Church (global) needs?”
Author: Dave » Comments:
Starting again...
Friday, May 19, 2006
I have to confess that I have been a bit preoccupied lately. Two things have somewhat dominated my time and thoughts this past month. One has been learning my new job, how I fit into it and how I am going to accomplish everything on my plate. The second has been the Oilers’ success in the playoffs. Both are great things that have me very excited about life. Both of these things have also seemed to keep my mind so preoccupied that I haven’t done a whole lot of personal reflection - that is until this week.
This week I started journaling again. This seems to be a cycle for me - I’m sure others are like this too - I seem to go strong for about 2-3 weeks writing everyday or close to it but then I will have a lull of a couple months and start again. I started this journal about 3 - 4 years ago and I’m still writing in it. That should tell you how much time I actually spend in it. But it seems that after every lull in my journaling I write the same sort of thing. Something like “Here we go again” or “Time to start journaling again” or “Sorry I haven’t writing in this thing for a while”. So, being about 3 months since my last entry I started my entry on May 16th saying “I’m staring again”. But then on May 17th I found myself writing the exact same thing to start my journal entry, “I’m starting again”.
Then it hit me - we are asked to deny ourselves and take up our cross daily. This is not a burdensome task. This is a blessing. This is a privilege. If I truly take up my cross, if I have laid down my live for Christ, if I have truly given myself to Christ - should that not be permanent? Then, why take up my cross daily? Why does Jesus say that I have to deny myself daily? (Luke 9:23) Maybe it’s because, Jesus knows me. He knows that I am going to mess up daily and that I’m going to need to “start again” everyday. To me that kind of sounds like Jesus is telling us “Yep, I know you’re not perfect so go ahead and say you’re sorry and pick up your cross again. What a blessing the Grace of God is, that we would be able to continuously make this recommitment to Christ.
I know this is nothing deep or profound - it’s just simple thought - a simple truth about forgiveness and grace. I guess it was just was a good reminder and encouragement for me.
Anyways, guess what I wrote in my journal today? - Yep - “I’m starting again”.
Author: Dave » Comments: